postcarbon. Green Design 3.0

GREEN­LAB, the lab for sus­tain­able de­sign strate­gies at Weißensee Acade­my of Art Ber­lin, will start the sum­mer semester 2014 with a sym­po­si­um en­ti­tled »post­car­bon – De­sign for a Sus­tain­able Lusa­tia«.

The sym­po­si­um will fo­cus on how de­sign­ers may con­tribute to the re­gio­n­al de­vel­op­ment of Lusa­tia. How can the cul­tu­r­al and na­t­u­ral re­sources of the re­gion be pro­tect­ed and fur­ther de­vel­oped? Can tra­di­tio­n­al el­e­ments be in­ter­pret­ed in a con­tem­po­rary way, and trans­formed in­to in­ter­est­ing and sus­tain­able con­cepts, prod­ucts, pro­cess­es, or ser­vices? So­cial de­sign, cir­cu­lar flow economies, crafts­man­ship and lo­cal pro­duc­tion, co-de­sign, ma­te­rial ac­tivism, and food de­sign will be ad­dressed. In ad­di­tion to ex­perts from Lusa­tia, who will in­tro­duce their re­gion, in­ter­na­tio­n­al­ly ac­tive de­sign­ers and en­trepreneurs will of­fer new per­spec­tives on sus­tain­able re­gio­n­al de­vel­op­ment. St­ef­fi Sil­ber­mann will give a talk about "De­vel­op­ment sto­ries of a de­sign trav­eller".

Tues­day and Wed­nes­day, April 15 and 16, 2014, 10 am to 5 pm
Venue: Au­la, Weißensee Acade­my of Art Ber­lin, Bührings­traße 20, 13086 Ber­lin

Please fol­low this link to down­load the pro­gramme as a PDF file

Tues­day, 15th of April

10.00 // Open­ing Ad­dress & An In­tro­duc­tion to Green De­sign 3.0
Prof. Dr. Zane Berz­i­na und Prof. Su­sanne Sch­warz-Raacke / GREEN­LAB und Kun­sthoch­schule Ber­lin Weißensee
10.10 // An In­tro­duc­tion to the Pro­ject Lau­rin
Martin Kud­er / Geschäfts­führ­er M‘s Mar­ket­ing + Kom­mu­nika­tion
10.20 // IBA at the Prince Pück­ler Coun­try – a Pro­ject for Lusa­tia with an Iden­ti­ty-Fos­ter­ing Im­pact
Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuhn / Städte­bauer und Ge­bi­et­s­plan­er
11.20 // With Tan­go Against the Saki­ma: in Hoy­er­sw­er­da Tra­di­tions are Brushed Against the Grain
Wolf­gang Kil / Ar­chitekt, Kri­tik­er, Publ­izist
12.00 // Sor­bian Ev­ery­day Cul­ture To­day - What Could it Be?
Dr. In­es Keller / Sor­bisch­es In­sti­tut
12.40 // Weis­s­wass­er OL 1/2/3. Glass and De­sign in Up­per Lusa­tia
Prof. Dr. Wal­ter Scheif­fele / Kun­sthoch­schule Ber­lin Weißensee
14.20 // Th­e­s­es for De­sign within the Con­text of Re­gio­n­al De­vel­op­ment
Dr. Ken­neth An­ders / Oder­bruch­pav­il­lion
15.00 // Grüne Werk­s­tatt Wend­land – a Cre­a­tive Work­shop to Se­cure Sus­tain­able Fu­ture De­vel­op­ments in Ru­ral Ar­eas
Meike Koop­mann und Ni­cole Ser­vatius / Grüne Werk­s­tatt Wend­land
15.25 // Com­mu­ni­ty Based Pro­ject Farbfelder - Colour, Farbfelder, ‚Made in Ber­lin‘
Madlen Deniz / Farbfelder - Ge­mein­schafts­garten in Ber­lin-Neukölln
15.50 // Un­pack­aged Shop­ping – Back To The Fu­ture
Mile­na Glim­bovs­ki / Orig­i­nal Un­ver­packt
16.15 // ACT­ING THINGS. Or what if We Look at Pro­cess­es of Pro­duc­tion as if they were a Dance, a Play, a Ri­t­u­al?
Ju­dith Seng / Stu­dio Ju­dith Seng

Mitt­woch, 16. April

10.00 // Food De­sign, Back to the Ori­gin
Kat­ja Grui­jters / Stu­dio Kat­ja Grui­jters / Am­s­ter­dam
10.40 // Un­der­neath the Pave­ment, the Beach
Stu­dio Es­ter van de Wiel / Rot­ter­dam
11.40 // WN­DR­LUST: Ex­plor­ing Things Pos­si­ble
Mike Thomp­son / WN­DR­LUST / Am­s­ter­dam
12.20 // Open Source & Open De­sign: New Pos­si­bil­i­ties for De­sign­ers and Com­mu­ni­ties
Lars Zim­mer­mann / De­sign­er & Ökonom
14.00 // De­sign Em­pow­er­ment - De­sign Em­pow­er­ment - The De­sign Pro­cess as a Tool for So­cial Change
Is­a­belle Dechamps / be-able
14.25 // GRÜNE BANDE - Sus­tain­able De­sign Col­lec­tive
Ul­rike Böttch­er und Michelle Mohr / Grüne Bande
14.50 // CULI­NARY MIS­FITS - Eat the En­tire Har­vest!
Lea Brum­sack und Tan­ja Krakows­ki / Culi­nARy MiS­fiTs
15.15 // Al­gae­my - from Craft­ing our Fu­ture Food to Print­ing with Mi­croal­gae
Es­si-Jo­han­na Glomb und Rasa We­ber / Kun­sthoch­schule Ber­lin Weißensee
15.40 // De­vel­op­ment sto­ries of a de­sign trav­eller
St­ef­fi Sil­ber­mann / De­signerin
16.05 // Con­clu­sion
Prof. St­ef­fen Schuh­mann / Kun­sthoch­schule Ber­lin Weißensee
Leonie Bau­mann / Presi­dent Weißensee Acade­my of Art Ber­lin

About the Lecture

Ber­lin Weis­sensee
Au­la, Büh­ring­str. 20, 13086 Ber­lin

team members
