Oderbruch Kit

The open-air mu­se­um Al­tranft com­mis­sioned St­ef­fi Sil­ber­mann of BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN to join forces with lo­cal crafts­men of the Ger­man re­gion Oder­bruch und the slo­gan "Craft meets de­sign". Within a five year pe­ri­od sev­er­al ex­per­i­men­tal pro­jects will take place to de­vel­op new strate­gies for lo­cal iden­ti­ty through craft and lo­cal res­sources.

Work­shop: Sept 5th-9th 2016, Or­twig, Lathe Man­u­fac­tu­ry Chris­tian Masche
Pre­sen­ta­tion: Sept 14th 2016, 4 pm, Smithy Al­tranft
Ex­hi­bi­tion: Sept 15th – Dec 15th, Palace Al­tranft

„Hand­w­erk trifft De­sign“ is an ini­tia­tive of Ken­neth An­ders and Lars Fisch­er (Open-air mu­se­um Al­tranft) and is fund­ed by the coun­ty of Märkisch Oder­land.

About the Exhibition

Palace Al­tranft
Al­tranft | Oder­bruch | Bran­den­burg
